Wednesday 3 September 2008

Teri Hatcher's abuser dies in jail

Teri Hatcher's abuser has died in jail.

Richard Hayes Stone�- the Desperate Housewives actress' quondam uncle wHO she helped put in prison for molesting two girls�- was six age into a 14-year sentence when he passed aside from colon cancer at the geezerhood of 70.

Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Chuck Gillingham, wHO prosecuted Stone, said: "It closes the book on a very, very sad tragedy. Unfortunately those wHO are still alive volition always suffer from his actions."

In 2002, Teri came forward around the pervert she suffered as a child from Stone afterward reading around teenager Sarah Van Cleemput, who shot herself in the nous leaving behind a notation that aforesaid: "You're likely thinking a normal teenager doesn't do this - well, expect Dick!"

The federal Reserve note referred to Stone, a friend of Sarah's family.

According to Gillingham, Teri - who was seven years old when she was abused by the then-husband of her mother�s sis - nigh cancelled making her statement and merely relented afterwards contemplating her feelings if her own daughter Emerson Rose, today 10, was abused.

The District Attorney aforesaid in 2006: "When we went to interview her, she well-nigh cancelled. But she had with her daughter that morning and was thinking if, God forbid, something happened to her daughter that individual would come forward and do the right thing."

Teri, 43, after revealed she worried she would be portrayed as a publicity-seeking has-been actress if her ordeal came out in the media.

She said: "At the end of the day, thither was no way I was not going to put this girl number one, before whatsoever damage might be through to me."

Stone pleaded guilty upon beholding the actress' statement, substance she did not get to go to court.

He was serving his sentence at Chuckawalla Valley State Prison in Blythe, California.

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